Jamie Davenport

Gameplay Programmer & Software Developer


After graduating from the University of Central Lancashire with a First Class Honours in BSc Computer Game Development in December 2018, I went on to write and maintain critical communication systems for emergency contact centers across the UK. See the Capita section under "Projects and Experience" for more details about this work.

I am currently developing innovative iGaming slot games at Raw iGaming, challenging a stale industry with unique feature sets. Please see the Raw iGaming section for more information.

While at University I learned a lot of technical skills and technologies, the course was primarily focused on technical skills such as Mathematics (Linear Algebra, Matrices, Quaternions, Vectors etc), Object Oriented Programming, Problem Solving, Optimisation & Debugging, Game Technologies & Techniques, and 3D Graphics in DirectX to name a few.

The games that I enjoy the most these days allow me to connect with friends that I no longer get to see day to day, and create a shared experience that is challenging yet fun. In my spare time I like to teach myself guitar, and obsess over specialty coffee!

Skills and Tools
